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‘서울항’ 구축.. 크루즈선 통행위해 한강다리 수선

Posted: June 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: news | Tags: , , | No Comments »

양화대교 교각수 축소 위해 8월중 우회가교 개통키로


[아시아경제 황준호 기자] 2012년 6월 서울 여의도에 무역항이 들어선다. 이 항만에 6500t급 크루즈선이 운항되면서 여의도는 국제무역항으로 거듭날 전망이다.

이를 위해 서울시는 교각 개량공사를 추진하는 양화대교 일부 구간에 우회가교를 8월까지 설치, 교통소통에 차질없게 대처하기로 했다.

31일 국토해양부에 따르면 서울항 지정을 위한 항만법 시행령 개정안이 지난 25일 국무회의에서 의결됐다.

이 법안은 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 85-1번지 일원에 육상구역 3450㎡, 해상구역 36만7340㎡ 등 총 37만790㎡에 달하는 무역항(서울항)을 신설토록 했다. 최대 접안 능력은 6400t급 크루즈선 1대가 접안할 수 있는 정도다.

서울시는 중국 등 동북아 연안도시와 국제 크루즈선을 연결해 서울이 수상도시로 발전할 수 있는 토대를 구축키 위해 국토부에 지방관리항으로 지정할 것을 요청했고 국토부는 관련 법안을 개정해 국무회의에 부쳤다.

법안이 의결됨에 따라 대통령 재가가 나오는 대로 서울시는 약 460억원의 재원을 투입, 현재 약 4~5m의 수심에서 6.6m까지 준설하고 (구)행주대교, 양화대교 등 교각을 넓히는 작업을 수행할 계획이다.

양화대교의 경우 크루즈선이 원활하게 운항하기에는 교각간 폭이 좁아 세 개 교각을 한 개 교각으로 변경하는 작업을 실시 중이다. 시는 8~9월께 우회가교를 설치, 양화대교 본선의 통행량을 가교로 대신하기로 했다. 행주대교는 내년부터 일부 교각 철거와 개선작업에 들어간다.

또 서울시는 지난 1월 터미널과 국제선을 운영할 민간 사업자를 모집하기 위해 공모를 진행해 현재 서울국제크루즈주식회사(주간사 아이렉스 IND)가 우선협상대상자로 선정돼 협상작업을 펼치고 있다.

서울시는 2012년6월까지 모든 작업을 마무리하고 국제선 출항이 가능토록 할 예정이다.

서울시 관계자는 “경인운하와 ì—°ê²°í•´ 서울시를 수상도시로 발전시키기 위해 서울항을 구축한다”ë©° “지방관리항으로 지정됨에 따라 서울시에서 주도적으로 사업을 추진할 것”이라고 밝혔다.

이어 “양화대교 본선의 교통량을 이르면 8월께 공사에 들어간 우회가교로 이전한다”ë©° “우회가교 개설에 따른 시민들의 불편은 없을 것”이라고 설명했다.

Gwanghwamun Square

Posted: March 3rd, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: news, square | Tags: , | No Comments »


The new Gwanghwamun Square at the heart of Seoul opens today(Aug 1) with a variety of exhibits and monuments showcasing the capital`s six-century history. The landmark square was established after a 15-month facelift of Sejongno, Seoul`s main thoroughfare. The square is located in front of Gwanghwamun, the main gate of Gyeongbok Palace, the key royal palace of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910)..
The public plaza, which is 34 meters wide and 557 meters long, was created as part of plans to refurbish Seoul`s main streets with cultural charms, green landscape and historic symbols. At the hall, a number of sculptures, models and pictures of Haechi are on display to familiarize citizens and visitors with the symbolic icon of Seoul. Haechi is a lion-like horned creature appearing in Korean myths as a guardian against fire and disasters. The stratigraphic layers of the Street of the Six Ministries, which were excavated in September last year, are also on display in the hall, offering a glimpse of the architectural skills and techniques of the Joseon Dynasty. The street was where key government agencies were located during the dynasty. Various facilities for the disabled, such as an elevator, escalators and disabled toilets are set at the hall. For easy wheelchair access, the path leading to the square from the underground hall has a gentle wide ramp.
On the way out of Haechi Madang, “Haechi Board,” a wide screen measuring 2 meters in length and 5 meters in width, is set on the right side of the wall.
Major sports events will be shown on the high-resolution screen, which will bring citizens together and make the square another gathering ground for enthusiastic supporters, officials said. The screen will also be used by couples who want to publicly express their love.
Right outside Haechi Madang, visitors can enjoy a wide view of Mount Bukak, which stands behind Gyeongbok Palace whose main gate is Gwanghwamun. The landmark gate is currently undergoing restoration work, which is scheduled to be completed by October next year.
Right above Haechi Madang, there is a statue of Yi Sun-shin (1545-1598), considered to be Korea`s greatest admiral. In front of the statue, 364 water jets are installed to demonstrate naval battles Yi successfully led against foreign invaders. LED lighting will illuminate fountains in front of the statue.
On the eastern and western edges of the square, there are “Waterways of History.” Each measures 2 centimeters in depth, 1 meter in width and 365 meters in length.
Key historical events that have happened since 1392, when the Joseon Dynasty was established, are engraved on the stone floor of the waterway on the eastern edge of the square. The floor of the waterway on the western edge is left empty so it can be updated in the future.
About 250 meters north of the statue of Admiral Yi, there will stand a statue of King Sejong (1397-1450), the inventor of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Professor Kim Young-won of Hongik University has been working on the statue, which will be unveiled on Hangeul Day (Oct. 9.)
In front of the statue, a water clock, a sundial, a rainfall gauge and a celestial globe are set. In the underground passage right under the statue, there will be an exhibition hall, which will enable visitors to take a closer look at the life and achievements of King Sejong. The hall will also be unveiled on Hangeul Day.
There will also stand a statue of Haechi near the northern end of the square. In front of Gwanghwamun, a large-scale “flower carpet” will be put in to celebrate the opening of the square.
The carpet, which is 17.5 meters wide and 165 meters long, is made of 224,537 flowers. The number matches the number of the days between Oct. 28 1394, when the capital of the Joseon Dynasty was transferred to Seoul from Gaeseong, the capital of the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392), and today.
The beautiful flower arrangements can be enjoyed all year round, officials said.
With the opening of the square, concerns have been raised that the square could turn into a staging ground for massive anti-government protests. As the square is located near the presidential office, some say rules strictly governing the use of the square should be established. 

(  By Song Sang-ho

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